Quality at INDURA
Your guarantee of reliability and safety
When you buy flanges and fittings, quality is crucial. At INDURA, we understand that our customers seek high-quality products at competitive prices. Therefore, “quality at a good price” is our key phrase.
All flanges made of P250 and A105 material undergo a so-called spectrotest. Here, we analyze the alloy – that is, the chemical content of the steel. We do this by making a burn on a clean surface of the product. During the burn, we introduce the gas argon, which produces ultraviolet light, from which we read the chemical content. If the product deviates from expectations or norms, it is discarded.
To ensure the highest quality, samples are taken from all flanges using all item numbers and batch numbers. We generate a certificate for each test, which contains information about the purchase number, steel quality, batch number, EN-DIN norm, size, pressure rating, and chemical analysis. If the samples show defects, the entire batch is tested, and external inspectors, such as FORCE, may be involved. This ensures that we can always trace each product back to the factory and guarantee quality.
ISO 9001:2015
We are ISO 9001:2015 certified, which is your guarantee that we deliver the right goods on time. Our quality management system is continuously improved to maintain the highest standards.
INDURA’s Quality Goals
At INDURA, we constantly strive to evolve with our customers' needs. We want to be an important partner and problem solver for our customers. To achieve this:
- We conduct and prepare records, surveys, and statistics that are used as an active management tool.
- We ensure that our employees are always competent, knowledgeable, service-oriented, and committed.
- We maintain a range of reliable suppliers.
- Management ensures that goals and action plans are established, made visible, and followed.
Purchasing and Supplier Requirements
To ensure the quality of the flanges and fittings we deliver, we set high demands on our suppliers, all of whom are approved and certified.
When the goods arrive at INDURA, they undergo visual and measurement control, functional testing, and chemical spectrotesting for flanges made of P and ANSI materials. We also require that the supplier performs tests before shipment. Our own QC staff pre-test the products at the suppliers before shipping. Additionally, suppliers must sign the INDURA Supplier Code of Conduct.

CSR: Social and Environmental Responsibility
At INDURA, we strive for sustainability in our activities, including the management of social and environmental aspects.
We respect and comply with applicable laws, international conventions, and other regulations that outline the framework for our business.
We do not accept forced labor, child labor, or discrimination. Responsible behavior is fundamental to our current and future success.

Contact us today to learn more about how our strict quality standards can ensure you the best products on the market!